Travis has a friend, Jamie, and Jamie loves my cookies and cakes. Bobbi asked me if I would be willing to make him cookies and a cake for his 30th birthday party. Of course I would! Jamie has been such a good friend to Travis and Bobbi.
I used a large skull cookie cutter to make the golf course. I cut a tiny hole in each one.
First I piped the greens and added a small pearl for the golf ball. When the green was mostly dry I piped on a brown line and a red flag laying on the ground. The sand trap is light yellow icing with pulverized vanilla wafer cookies and a bit of gold sanding sugar mixed in.
I let those two areas dry completely then piped the fairway area in darker green and immediately poured on dark green sanding sugar.
For the golf balls I piped white then immediately piped on grey dots then...
On the lower half of the grey I piped a white dot to make it look like the dimples. I had found this technique on Sweet Sugarbelle's website. She has such great tutorials.
I wanted to make more cookies so I cut out little golfball size circles and made more golfballs, tiny greens with a ball and hole and tiny fairways with a green and water hazard.
Next I started on the cake. I wanted to make some of it surprise inside because Jamie gets such a kick out of that. So I made white cake balls and put them in green colored cake for the putting green area cake. Then I put some in blue cake for the tee box/water hazard cake.
I did over fill this cake a bit but ooh well...
Baked two small paisley cakes and one medium one for the fairway. Made some chocolate sugar cookie trees. They may be a bit big but I will just deal with that...

I do always draw out the plan so this is how the cakes will set up. Three seperate cakes. I needed something to put each one on and retain the shape so I went out to the shop and cut an old board into each shape.
I always forget how much I enjoy using the bandsaw.
I know this looks so unsanitary but trust me I cleaned them really well and then sealed them with three coats of waterproof sealer.
The finished product.
The cakes are on a cardboard cake board between the cake and this board so they never actually touch these. I am sure they would be fine but just to be safe.
This is the blue cake with white balls in it. It will be the tee box with a water hazard and a tree.
I cut a stencil pattern for the tee box and put it over the cake after I skim coated it. While the pattern was on there I put on the sanding sugar onto the icing I had applied then pulled the stencil off.
I put white icing in some shallow cut out areas so that when I add the Wilton blue sparkle gel it will look like water.
Next I worked on the putting green.
I cut out a sand trap area and put light yellow icing in it then added in the same type of sand as I used for the cookies. Then I iced in the putting green area and smoothed it with a VIva towel.
I used a large piping tip to cut a hole in the icing on the green and while the tip was still in the icing I used a toothpick to get the extra icing out of the hole and added in a tiny bit of black sanding sugar. I put little blue candy squares on the tee box for the markers. I will add the water after I put the rough on.
The larger cake is the fairway. I skim coated it then put a thicker coat on the top. I freehanded the shape with darker and lighter sanding sugar for the fairway. Now for piping on the rough...
I went around the bottom and worked my way up and around.
When I got to the tee box I embedded chocolate candy coated rocks, that I found at Hobby Lobby long ago, for a path. Little blue square candies make the markers in the tee box. Keep piping that rough.
Added some rocks and grass at the edge of the pond. Finished the rough then added the Wilton blue sparkle gel for water. I put three "balls" in the water. And one on the tee box.
On to the putting green and sand trap cake.
Piped in the rough all around the cake. Put in the flag and the ball on the green and one in the sand. Cake 2 done. For the rough I made two colors of green and used a split two color piping set to get the verigated look. I used a tip with lots of holes in it.
By this time my hand was so tired from piping all that grass... I was so happy to pipe the last clump. I added some rocks and three "balls" on the fairway. Several more in the rough.
I had my trees and decided to go ahead and put them in and if I didn't like it I could just pipe over the holes they made.
I did like them. Very much. They added a dimension that the cakes needed. So cake 3 done and now to put them all together. And lots of pictures from every angle. 😀