Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thanking Dr. Oakes

Tomorrow we go for Bryan's 2 week check-up after his heart surgery. He wanted to take a thank you gift. I suggested cookies.
Here's what I did. I made the word thanks out of my William's Sonoma Letter cutters. I found them at an antique/flea market store. LOVE them. Not to mention they came in a cute lunch box tin. But I digress.

I patterned the hearts off of Bryan's pillow that they give heart patients so they remember to hug it to their chest when getting out of a chair, coughing or any activity that may stress their chest.
Poor guy I made him pose for me. He's a good sport. 
I did the arrangement and then decided that I really wanted each one individually wrapped. So I took it all apart and bagged the cookie pops up and put it all back together. 
Also made a tag out of a cookie. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cookies for neighbors who are kind.

With Bryan healing from open heart surgery it is impossible for him to clear our driveway. The other day we got about 3" of snow and I looked out late in the evening and our neighbor was clearing our drive. So kind. Bryan asked me to make a plate of cookies to thank them. OH alright! haha I love it when I need to make cookies.
Then I made a plate for Ashley to take to work.
When I was making Frosty (upside down Frankenstein cutter) I thought what a hassle to make a small amount of orange for the carrot and black for the coal. SO I made more than I needed and piped out a bunch of carrots, pipes and coal pieces onto parchment (do not use wax paper it sticks, use parchment!!) paper and let them dry over night. Now I have a little jar of snowman pieces when I want to make snowman cookies again! Love doing that. It really speeds up the decorating process when I need it. 
And a jar of little ones for some friends.

When I was at TJMaxx the other day I found that "Home Made" cookie press and am just loving that. I decided to make one cookie like that to put with each batch of cookies I make. 

Happy Baking,
