Saturday, July 18, 2015

Firecracker Cookies

My friend, Dena, asked me to make 80 cookies for her daughter's 17th birthday on July 2. We had a dress rehearsal for our choir that night and Erin had to be at it so we served them to the kids for supper. 
First I cut straight pieces out 1"x3", then I cut out a small burst and cut the straight piece with the burst cookie cutter and replaced the piece I cut out with the full one. I indented one end with a skewer for later. Outlined the burst on the firecracker with black, added yellow, orange, and red then pulled the needle tool through them to make it look like a burst. I put a little red icing on the little licorice pieces and "glued" them to the indent I made. Added red and white stripes then filled the other end with blue and made white dots. Some that I made were just unexploded fire crackers.
I also made her a little pillow cake with sugar veil lace.
In the midst of the crazyness of dress rehearsal and fixing food for 80 people I forgot to take a picture of all the cookies together. Oh well.

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Happy Baking,
